Ringer® Lawn Restore II Fertilizer - 25lb

How It Works
Safer® Brand Ringer® Lawn Restore II creates a healthy, green lawn. Each 25 lb bag covers 5,000 sq ft, which is more coverage than many of the other fertilizers out there today.
With the fast green-up from Ringer® Lawn Restore II, you’ll start to see results in as little as 3-5 days after application. Plus, this formulation contains no salt-based chemicals so there’s no risk of burning your lawn – even if you should over-apply. Since it’s made from naturally derived protein sources, Lawn Restore II slowly releases nutrients into your soil and will continue to feed your lawn for up to 8 weeks.
Ringer® Lawn Restore II nourishes not only your lawn, but also beneficial organisms and microbes that live beneath your soil to create a thick, vigorous lawn that lasts! There’s also no manure, so you won’t have to endure any unpleasant odors when applying.
A Greener Lawn Guaranteed

Within your soil lives millions of microbes and organisms that feed your lawn the nutrients it needs to grow. The key to a healthy lawn is allowing those beneficial microbes to thrive. Ringer® Lawn Restore II breaks down into the soil to feed those organisms, thus creating an environment for your grass to flourish and lay deep roots.
Lawns with deep root systems grow in thick and lush, and are less likely to turn brown and die in harsh situations. Nourished soil and healthy roots are the foundation necessary for a fantastic lawn for years to come.
It’s All in the Numbers – NPK
With an NPK analysis of 10-0-6, you know you’re getting the macronutrients that your lawn needs. So what exactly do these numbers mean and why are they important for lawn growth? Below is a simplified breakdown of each one:
8% N=Nitrogen – Promotes leaf growth & fast green up
2% P=Phosphorous – Supports flower & fruit development
4% K=Potassium – Helps deep root development & general plant health
These numbers are all important because they show the percentage of each macronutrient contained in the fertilizer. Higher numbers don’t necessarily mean a better product when comparing the NPK of different fertilizers. What’s important is that the ratio of these macronutrients is properly balanced, and that these nutrients are released into the soil slowly and proportionately.
Nitrogen is imperative for lush, green lawns, so that’s why it’s typically the highest nutrient in a fertilizer’s NPK. Ringer® Lawn Restore II has 10% nitrogen. Potassium is great for promoting strong roots and overall lawn health, and Lawn Restore II has 6%.

The only macronutrient that isn’t present in Ringer® Lawn Restore® II is phosphorous. Phosphorous is actually not necessary for lawns since its main purpose is to promote flowering and fruiting. Grass is mean to remain in the vegetative state for its entire life cycle, so there’s no need to promote flowering or fruiting in lawns. There’s also the potential for phosphorous to be pulled out of the soil by heavy watering or rains, and run off into other waterways causing the water to become polluted with toxic algae.
Revitalize Existing Grass and Invigorate New Sod
Whether you want to stimulate young grass, or your existing lawn is in need of some TLC, Ringer® Lawn Restore II has you covered. Lawn Restore II will feed your grass and the microbes within your soil, naturally greening nearly any type of grass in any life stage.
Use on warm or cool season grasses including:
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Perennial Ryegrass
- St. Augustine grass
- Bermuda grass
- Centipede grass
- Tall Fescue
Synthetic vs. Natural Fertilizers
There are many lawn fertilizers on the market today and we understand that the choice can be confusing. For starters, there are two basic kinds of fertilizers out there – synthetic and natural.

Synthetic fertilizers use chemicals to directly feed the grass and enhance the look of your lawn. However, they often work by treating just the plant, and not the soil it grows in. The result gives it a quick shock of chemicals to provide visible green up and fast growth, but chemical fertilizers neglect the soil and strip it of the valuable nutrients it needs to develop deep root systems. This can potentially kill the beneficial insects and microorganisms who call this soil home, thus often resulting in adverse effects on your lawn over time. Chemical fertilizers also contain salt which can dry out and burn your grass if you should overapply.
Natural fertilizers, such as Ringer® Lawn Restore® II, work with your soil to build a healthy foundation for lush, green grass to grow. Natural fertilizers promote deep root growth and feed beneficial microbes and organisms that live below the soil and create a healthy lawn. Strong roots are necessary for the long-term health of your lawn, and over time when using natural fertilizers, you may even have to fertilize less often!
The Benefits of Organic Lawn Care
Choosing to follow an organic regimen in your lawn care program provides many long-lasting benefits for you and your lawn! Organic gardening products break down in the soil naturally, and will leave no lingering residuals in the environment. They also improve overall soil health and won’t pollute nearby waterways if runoff should occur. They even help promote photosynthesis in lawns - nature’s way of turning sunlight into food - by releasing carbon dioxide.

People and pets can roam freely on lawns treated with products approved for use in organic gardening as they don’t have adverse effects after application. Though it may initially be an investment to begin an organic gardening program, over time you’ll likely have to use these products less often as your lawn and garden becomes healthier and stronger, and is able to fight off many diseases and weeds naturally.